All posts by Cyril Concolato

New web site

As you may have noticed, a few days ago, the GPAC web site has changed from a static web site to a WordPress blog hosted on However, this was not satisfactory. Therefore, we decided to move the web site out of SourceForge. It is now hosted by the Institut Telecom. Hopefully, all your links to SourceForge should be redirected automatically. We still use WordPress, but this time with all the nice features of WordPress plugins (video embedding, theme, …). We hope you will like it.

GPAC on iPad for Digital Radio Services

As part of a French-funded project, the GPAC team has worked the porting of GPAC on iOS devices, initially to show Digital Radio Services. As a result, the GPAC player can now run on iPhone and iPad and play various types of content: MP4, MPEG-2 TS, SVG, XMT, RTP, … basically all the types of content that play on desktop. Have a look at this YouTube video to see a demo. If you want to have GPAC running on your iPad or iPhone, check out the SVN and contact us on our forums
